

MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE TRUST Animal’s Welfare To investigate and check cruelty against animals to heighten public awareness of the torture perpetrated on animals for the sake research and beauty, glamour and art to discourage and thwart anti-animal activities by taking prompt remedial action. To construct sheds for stay of accidental, week, old and awara/ […]


Youth activities To organize and conduct vocational training courses for youth. To help youth to acquire knowledge skills’ to awaken social consciousness’ & responsibility. To evolve and develop the concept of methodology of community work among youth. To initiate and organize need-oriented rural/urban development programs. To organize and implement schemes that would help poor people […]


Women empowerment To facilitate formation of groups of women and farmers in rural /urban areas and thereafter bringing them together on a common platform to address issues through federation, clusters and village development committees. To facilitate microfinance in the groups. To facilitate women about their rights and eradication of the differences between girls and boys […]


Sport To establish Ground (indoor & outdoor) in both rural & urban areas to promote sports activities for normal and disabled friendly. To establish swimming pools to enhance swimming activities as sports. To organize various sports meets at village, block, district and state level. Conduct sports training and competition for disabled /children with special need. […]


Seminars/training/camps/workshops To conduct seminars, conferences, lectures at grass root level, District, state and national level on all matters and problems affecting the people. To make arrangements  for such caliber farmers as are prepared to go abroad to take part in debates and discussion on transfer to latest technology and marketing processes from labs and research […]

Human Rights

Human Rights To promote & educate Equality, as well as Equity, International Integration, Brotherhood, Non-Violence, Love, Peace, Justice, Protection & Promotion of Human Rights for all. To suggest action for violation of rights by armed political groups and terrorists. To create an environment as well as an understanding that Human Rights can easily become vulnerable […]

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