
History of AWT It’s been two decades, since Alamgir Welfare Trust Int’l is serving the indigent and underprivileged humanity for the betterment of the society. Established by Shaheed Anwer Naseem Chandna, A renowned businessman, who reasoned that small things can matter a lot in our society and thought that the affluent society wasted a lot. If somehow this wastage could be salvaged, it could bring about a change in the lives of the needy people.To begin with, he focused his attention on the leftover food of wedding receptions. He caused his staff to collect the food and distribute it among the poor and the hungry on a regular basis. The experiment proved to be extremely successful. Mr. Chandna, as he saw the poor at close quarters realized that apart from food, a major problem of theirs was health, therefore in 1994 he founded the Alamgir Trust to institutionalize philanthropic work and to provide free of cost medicines and medical care to the poor. Then as they say, Log saath aatay gaye, or Karwaan Banta Gaya, likeminded people joined him in this cause and today with more than 600 Million Rupees, The trust is helping the poor and needy in almost every field of life, of them health and education being the most important. 
Alhamdulillah, Alamgir Welfare Trust believes in the philosophy of Welfare for all.. without any discrimination of Color, Cast or Creed. Strictly following Islamic Principles  as a guideline for rendering free of cost services to humanity, the organization is extending the domain of its services day by day. Accountability, being the top priority of the Trust, the welfare activities are carried out to reach every deserving person. We aim at providing relief to the indigent humanity and  to every destitute person who requires a helping hand.
As the famous Chinese proverb goes,” Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime“, Alamgir Welfare Trust strives to create opportunities for the people to develop self reliance and to make them a useful member of the society. 
Alamgir welfare trust  has a vision of making Pakistan a great country to live in, where even person has means to feed his family, kids has a right to education, every patient has resources to get treatment. We have and endeavor for a society whose key characteristic is patience and tolerance, something badly needs.
We pledge to serve Pakistan and nurture good human beings.

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